Don’t be Afraid to Indulge During the Holidays
Once again it’s that time of year when the flow of food and drink doesn’t seem to stop, yet our desire and drive to stay fit comes to a halt. We blame the dryer for our pants fitting a bit tighter or tell ourselves “hey, ’tis the season!” for each glass of eggnog we drink. It seems that weight gain during the holidays is inevitable, and no one wants to be “that person” who can’t fully take part in the party because of what they can and can’t eat. But according to “Walston Robinette, manager at Icon Fitness gym in Abilene,” as long as you balance intake with physical activity, there’s really no reason to deny yourself from indulging a little bit this holiday season.
Really, it’s as simple as that. Don’t be afraid to eat a piece of apple pie (with vanilla ice cream on top if you’re feeling extra risky); just be sure to jog a little longer than normal the next morning and maybe lift a few weights.
Okay, so you can eat what you want as long as you make up for it with exercising. But being able to actually get your butt in gear and go to the gym is another story. A big part of it is just making yourself do it. Another is making sure you love the gym you’re going to.
The whole “eat more, workout more” idea is clearly nothing new as gyms always seem to get busier during the holidays (or right after the holiday season). But with all those people, the facility tends to get pretty gross and fast. And personally, that’s a big deterrent.
Thankfully, Radianse has a system to help keep gyms clean. The Radianse Fitness Solution allows gyms to keep track of staff cleaning schedules and progress, making sure the gym stays clean for the amount of people attending. The system also monitors refillable supplies such as toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer and alerts the front desk when one is empty and needs to be replaced. Alerts can even be set up for when a trash can is full or when a certain number of people have been through the locker room, meaning it needs cleaning.
For more information on the Radianse Fitness Solution, give us a call at (603) 994-2200 send an email to We’d enjoy hearing from you!
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